


1. Erosion -the process by which the surface of the earth is worn away by the action of water, glaciers, winds, waves, etc

  1. 2. Drip Tip -an elongated leaf tip from which excess water drips off, as found in plants of the rainforest


3. Epiphytes-is an organism that grows upon or attaches to a living plant.

4. Shallow root system- roots that don't go deep into the ground, but they spread laterally.

5. Vines- any plant having a long, slender stem that trails or creeps on the ground or climbs by winding itself about a support or holding fast with tendrils or claspers

6. Lianas- any of various usually woody vines that may climb as high as the tree canopy in a tropical forest.


7 .Emergent Layer-the top layer of a Rainforest, contains a small number of very large trees.


 8.Canopy Layer- is the primary layer of the rainforest.This layer forms roof over the understory and the forest floor.There are many animals in this layer because their is a lot of food.Some animals are snakes, tree frogs, and many more animals live in this layer.


9. Understory- this is the third layer.Less sunshine reaches this area so plants grow larger leaves to reach the sunlight.Many animals also live in this layer.


 10. Forest Floor-it is dark in the forest floor. Almost no plants grow in this layer.


This is all the layers put together.


 11.Water System-a river and all its branches

 12. Flowering Plants- a plant which during some part of its reproductive cycle produces flowers, and the female part of these flowers must be made up of at least a pistil, inside which reside ovules developing into seeds.


 13. Non-Flowering-Plants-a plant that doesn't have flowers so it reproduces in other ways.Non-flowering-plants grow from spores instead of seeds.

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